[Improvement] Update max length of status notification tweets to 280 characters
[Bug] Fixed bug causing the URL to be truncated incorrectly for some status notification tweets
[Improvement] Update max length of status notification tweets to 280 characters
[Bug] Fixed bug causing the URL to be truncated incorrectly for some status notification tweets
[Improvement] Enhanced the payload for webhook notifications (Documentation: https://kb.status.io/notifications/webhook/)
[Bug] Fixed bug causing the URL to exclude the maintenance_id in notification messages during maintenance create
[Improvement] Improved SSL certificate validation process for dedicated certificates
[Bug] Fixed bug causing the URL to exclude the incident_id in notification messages
[Bug] Fixed SMS truncate issue for incident notifications
[Feature] Added dedicated SSL/TLS certificate option for custom domains
[Improvement] Updated pricing plans
[Feature] Added new partner integration: OpsGenie
[Feature] Added new partner integration: Pingometer
[Improvement] Optimized the location selector for containers
[Improvement] Added Developer API methods to retrieve a single incident or maintenance
[Improvement] Added Developer API methods to retrieve a list of IDs for incidents or maintenances
[Improvement] Updated the Developer API documentation for /component/status/update to specifically handle a single component+container combination, instead of handling multiple components/containers per call
[Bug] Fixed an issue that allowed notification subscribers to signup more than once
[Bug] Updated coordinates for AWS location eu-central-1