Version 0.9.3

[Improvement] TLS process has been updated to support Amazon certificates

[Improvement] Team admins can now remove team members

[Bug] Fixed issue downloading PDF receipts

[Bug] Fixed API access for trial accounts

Version 0.9.2


[Improvement] Added Joyent data center locations to service providers

[Improvement] Updated custom mail settings to include SPF record

[Improvement] Improved SSL certificate process


Version 0.9.1


[Improvement] Optimized the email notification workers to improve delivery speeds

[Improvement] Updated New Relic metric integration

[Improvement] Tuned TLS connection configuration

[Improvement] Fixed Status API response data format

[Bug] Fixed uptime calculation for Pingdom metrics

[Bug] Fixed DKIM validation display bug



Improving Email Delivery for Status Notifications

Today we’re announcing our newest integration with Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES).

All status notifications will now be delivered via SES instead of Mandrill. Due to a major change in terms at Mandrill, we decided to use this opportunity to switch to a more reliable provider.

Amazon SES is a rock solid email service built on the reliable and scalable infrastructure that Amazon developed to serve its own customer base.


Action Required:

Existing users will need to re-verify their custom email domain settings. Verification is quick and simple. Learn more in our knowledge base article.

While verification is pending, status notifications will be sent from

Version 0.9.0


[Feature] Option to have the Last Updated time automatically updated

[Improvement] Migrated email delivery to Amazon SES

[Improvement] Automatic handling of bounced email messages

[Improvement] Version identifier links to the Changelog

[Improvement] Added New Relic metric type (Throughput RPM)

[Bug] Fixed a bug causing the custom HTML to break for certain status pages