Version 1.6.7

[Improvement] Updated new data center locations for AWS and Linode

[Improvement] Updated Nagios integration to support both Nagios Core and Nagios XI

[Improvement] Twilio SMS integration now supports Twilio Messaging Services to enable multiple phone numbers and Alpha Sender ID’s to improve deliverability and comply with global guidelines

Version 1.6.6

[Integration] Added Nagios monitoring integration

[Integration] Added Site24x7 monitoring integration

[Integration] Added StatusCake monitoring integration

[Integration] Decommissioned HipChat integration

[Integration] Decommissioned Pingometer integration

[Fix] Resolved issue with missing line breaks for Microsoft Teams notifications

Version 1.6.5

[Integration] Private pages can be connected to Microsoft Azure Active Directory with OIDC

[Feature] Create a new status page by duplicating an existing status page in your account

[Improvement] Added SMS advanced settings

[Improvement] Include identifier text in SMS subscriber management messages

[Improvement] SMS subscriber management messages can be rate limited and the threshold is customizable

[Improvement] SMS notifications support an Alpha Sender ID for Twilio accounts sending SMS messages to UK numbers

[Improvement] Upgraded Twitter integration to use Twitter API version 2.0

[Fix] The pricing plans table properly displays in mobile browsers

[Fix] The last updated timestamp is now accurate for both the Status API (/1.0/status) and the Developer API (/v2/status/summary) methods

Version 1.6.4

[Improvement] Display alert when scheduling a maintenance if the end date is before the start date.

[Improvement] Display alert when resolving an incident with the status not set to operational.

[Fix] Automatically update the stats widgets when an incident is resolved or when the stats widget settings are changed.

[Fix] Fixed an issue where some dashboard views caused the browser to glitch on page load.

[Fix] Resolved an issue that caused errors to not be received for Vonage SMS notifications.

Version 1.6.3

[Improvement] Significant speed improvements for delivery of status notifications. This applies to all notification methods.

[Improvement] Updated data center locations for AWS and Azure.

[Improvement] Improved the private page OIDC configuration settings.

[Improvement] Improved the dedicated SSL certificate process to restart verifications after timeout.

[Improvement] Optimized the display of historic incident and maintenance events.

[Improvement] Improved the DNS validation check for custom domains.

[Fix] Fixed case sensitive bug in the request manage subscription function for webhook subscribers.