Status maps are now powered by jVectorMap

With a little CSS and static image, we rolled our own mapping solution. It was half-baked and only meant to be a temporary solution.

The legacy maps are now long gone and we replaced them with the maginificant jVectorMap! Browser compatibility was a primary concern and these maps support everything all the way back to IE 6.0.

The shiny new maps:

Location information appears on hover. We will be adding more meaningful data here in the future.

The legacy CSS maps:


How to automate your status page with Pingdom

Already use Pingdom for network monitoring? You’re in luck! Simply link your Pingdom alerts to your components for automatic status updates.

How it works

Pingdom sends an email alert when one of your monitoring checks fails. Our backend parses this message and then toggles the component’s status based on the detected values.

  • ‘DOWN’ sets a component to ‘Full outage’
  • ‘UP’ sets a component to ‘Operational’

Configure your components for Pingdom automation

  1. Login to the control panel and navigate to integrations. Copy the email hook address from the component you’re linking right now.



2. Next login to your Pingdom account and add a new contact using the email address you copied in the previous step.



3. Edit the individual monitoring check at Pingdom and enable alerts to be sent to the new contact you just created.

Repeat these steps for each component that you want linked to a Pingdom check.

That’s it! Now your status page will stay updated automatically based on Pingdom events.

Updated the ACL’s, we’re live! is now online and available to the world.

We are on a mission to enhance transparency by providing a platform for managing your system status page. The days of maintaining a homebrewed status page on a one-off box are over. Our tools allow you to efficiently manage your status page using a simple web interface, it’s even mobile friendly.

Status pages are mission critical. Our systems are highly-available, spanning across multiple-regions and multiple-providers. Your status page will be online when your service is not. View our service’s performance and uptime history at

Launching the production environment and going live is an exciting milestone. However there is still much more work to be done and we are committed to powering the finest status pages on the internet. We’re going to make sure your status page is awesome.

What are you waiting for? Fire up your favorite HTTP client and visit us on TCP port 443 at

Check out what a status page looks like



Hello World

Welcome to the official blog. Our mission is to build the finest status page platform and increase transparency across the interwebs. Stay in the loop with updates about our technology and tools, our latest tips and tutorials, and follow our bootstrapping journey.

This static site is powered by Node.js with Hexo and resides on Amazon S3.